
3 Months of Nickels - What Price Misogyny?

Remember a couple of months ago, I blogged about Nickels For Change, the pair of college students who were committing to setting aside $.05 per incident of misogyny they experienced in their lives, while writing to those media sources and others who perpetuated it, to raise awareness of their campaign?

They've just posted an update on the Feministing Community blogs.  Between the two of them, in three months, they have raised...


At a nickel per incident, that's 1,511 incidents of "victim blaming, rape jokes, gender binary bias, and racial discrimination."  In just three months.  Let's break this down:

$75.55 in three months.  Thats...
1,511 incidents in three months.  Which means...
503 incidents per month.  And dividing by 30 gives us...
16.8 incidents per day.  So between them, they experienced...
an average of approximately 8 unique incidences of sexism/racism per person per day.

And I'll point out, that's the incidents *they noticed*.  Most of us are familiar with needing to turn our brains half-off just to get through the day without bursting into an incandescent ball of rage, so that only the more egregious (and everyone has their own "wtf threshold") moments make it past the filter to piss us off. 

So the next time someone pulls the "post-feminist" or "post-racial" bullshit, point them at the Nickels for Change project.  And ask them to imagine what it might feel like if they had to endure an average of 8 slurs against some deeply important aspect of their identity every day.  Post-feminist my ass.


Fcc4evar said...

Hey! It looks like you haven't passed the 3yo girls phase of "If I look offended and cry, daddy will buy me something"

So you want to play a victim? Go ahead!

So you want to to reassert your "victimness" by linking to some bullshit written by batshit-crazy bunch of chycks who are offended about everything and anybody? Go ahead!

But you're not fooling anybody into thinking that you're a victim, we know you're just playing one, and that's why no sane person likes you.

Fcc4evar said...

By the way, that "Nickels For Change" site isn't even online anymore. Go ahead and claim it is down because some sexist patriarchs at Blogspot.com want to silence the voice of the stong independent wymyn.


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