[S]cientists that have done research on women’s wombs after they’ve gone through the surgery [have] compared the wombs of women who were on the birth control pill to those who were not on the birth control pill. And they have found that with women who are on the birth control pill, there are these little tiny fetuses, these little babies, that are embedded into the womb. They’re just like dead babies. They’re on the inside of the womb. And these wombs of women who have been on the birth control pill effectively have become graveyards for lots and lots of little babies.
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A stick-figure comic of a political rally. One figure in the crowd holds up a large sign reading [citation needed] in the style of Wikipedia's superscript notation of incomplete sources. |
DEAD BABY GRAVEYARD WOMB is going to be the name of my death metal band, you guys. I just can't let a name like that go to waste. Either that, or the title of my memoirs. Maybe both. It sounds like the title of a Dethklok album, doesn't it?
Nathan Explosion: This is metal... for [dead fetuses].Props to Mr. Hyperbole for working in the phrase "dead babies" or "little babies" three times in five sentences, I guess. Repetition, repetition, repetition. Say it over and over again and people will eventually believe it.
Skwisgaar Skwigelf: [dead fetuses] don't gots no good music to listen to.
William Murderface: Yeah, it's true.
Congratulations, Kevin Swanson. Your hard-on for incredibly, absurdly inaccurate "science" and attempts to wring the most emotionally-compelling/viscerally disgusting insults out of it have, like vegangelicals and the "bloodmouths" thing, flopped so hard you've actually created a sweet new term for us to describe just how hardcore and metal our bodies are.
Thanks bro!
Today on "People who make me ashamed to live in Colorado Springs..."
My condolences!
The city is lovely as far as the scenery and weather, but some of the people... yikes.
(Note: I'm two weeks behind on my RSS feed.)
WHAT THE HOLY FUCK? I don't even know where to start with this ridiculous statement. There is not enough :headdesk: in the world for this. I mean, aren't Americans required to pass a basic biology class to graduate from high school?!
Well...technically, yes. But remember, we don't want to teach critical thinking because it undermines parental authority! Also, science is bad because we're not using the Bible as a textbook. So. That's how you get ignorant dipshits like this one.
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